Sports Safety: Preventing Dental Injuries
Sports Injuries account for up to 39% of all dental injuries in children. But sports are healthy for children to learn character, teamwork, discipline, and a host of other lessons they won’t learn the same way anywhere else. So what is a parent to do?

Preventing Injuries Is Better than Treating Them

Taking the time to learn how to reduce dental injuries in children who are in sports can be a solid proactive choice. Ask your dentist about the steps you can take to protect your child from an injury before it happens. They may be able to help you find solutions that work for you and your child.
Wearing a Mouthguard during sports can protect your child from things such as:
• Broken teeth
• Chipped teeth
• Broken brackets or wires (for braces teeth)
• Abrasions in the soft tissues of the mouth, such as gums, or tongue
Saving the heartache of an injury can also give your wallet a rest. Buying a Sports guard is an investment in your child’s future.

How to Choose and Care for a Mouth Guard

It is important you consult with a dentist on what type of guard you are looking for. Bruxism night guards will not wear correctly to prevent sports injuries. Nor is it safe to double up the use of a sports guard and use it at night to prevent clenching and grinding. Each type of guard is designed for a specific purpose, and using the wrong guard for the wrong job can affect the efficacy of the guard, and will not protect the teeth as intended. To care for the mouth guard, brush softly with soap and water regularly.
If you need a dental appointment to discuss sports safety with a dentist, or are looking for an experienced dentist to help your child protect their mouth, call our Mesa dental office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you determine what kind of Sports Guard is right for you!