What are two of the scariest words in the entire English dictionary? Some might tell you, ‘root canal’ – but are they really as painful as people say they are? The simple truth is that it all depends on the quality of care you receive from your dentist.
We’ve all heard the horror stories – a patient goes in for a routine root canal procedure and leaves with a lifelong fear of drills. Maybe even someone you know personally has described a traumatic root canal situation to you – is it enough to merit concern?
It’s pretty common to fear the unknown, which is perhaps what lends into the reputation root canals have garnered over time. Your doctor may recommend a root canal for any tooth that is badly decayed or infected.
The procedure aims to remove the infected nerve or pulp beneath the protective enamel. The word ‘nerve’ certainly may strike a … well, nerve, with some people – but it really shouldn’t. A root canal procedure should never be painful.
Truly, modern dentistry is a marvel of technology. Today, experienced doctors have the ability to eliminate pain and discomfort throughout common procedures like a root canal. We realize Halloween is just around the corner, but there’s nothing to leave you feeling spooked!
Dental procedures can be scary for any first-time patient – we understand sitting in that big chair has a tendency to bring about some mild (even severe) anxiety. Our friendly team will answer all your questions and alleviate your fears before any work begins – we’ve got your back!
Whether you know you need a root canal performed or simply have a tooth consistently bothering you, we can help. See how a dentist who makes your comfort first priority eliminates the tension of the ‘dreaded root canal’. Call us today and reclaim your oral health!